Tuesday, August 29, 2023

September General Meeting

The next FDP General Meeting will be held on Thurs., Sept. 7. Specific topics of interest are: downtown parking presentation and guest speaker Brad Chaffee from Camford Property Group regarding the company's new downtown project.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Harvest Festival Registration

Registration for booths at the Sept. 30 Harvest Festival is now open. Register soon as we expect space to sell out. 

Register Here 

Register soon as we expect spaces to sell out. If you have any questions, please contact our Vendor Relations Coordinators at fdpevent@gmail.com.


Be a sponsor of this year's Harvest Festival! Your sponsorship will include:

*Logo listed on all related Promotional Materials, Posters & Signage - (Platinum, Gold and Silver levels)

*Smaller size logo listed on all related Promotional Materials, Posters, & Signage - (Bronze Level)

*Name listed on all related Promotional Materials, Posters & and Signage- (Friends Level)

*Listed in all related Press Releases 

*Highlighted on Website: franklindowntownpartnership.org 

*Advertised on local radio

*Promoted on social media

*Sponsors get booth at event located on Exclusive Sponsorship Row area of event; *Platinum sponsor get two booths

*On-going announcement of Sponsors by DJ and Band during the Harvest Festival


Just email us the sponsorship form and the level you would like to be listed as (see the levels here) and we'll get you on the sponsorship list!