Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Harvest Festival Registration is Open

Registration for booth space at the Franklin Downtown Partnership’s 17th annual Harvest Festival is now open! The largest annual community event in downtown Franklin, the Harvest Festival will be held Saturday, October 5 from noon to 5 p.m. The event is expected to attract more than 8,000 people!

Plans for the festival are well underway and booth space is filling up fast. Visitors will enjoy local entertainers, delicious dishes from local restaurants, children’s activities, shop specials, a beer/wine tent, artwork and crafts by area artisans, and helpful information from community groups and vendors.

The event will take place on Main, West Central, Dean and Depot Streets in downtown Franklin. The Harvest Festival’s rain date is Sunday, October 6. 

Organizers expect booth spaces for this event to sell out. Booths are assigned on a first-come first-serve basis. Franklin Downtown Partnership members receive booth spaces for free; non-members pay $125. Downtown businesses with store fronts must register to reserve space in front of their stores.


Register before the September 17 deadline. Please add a $35 late fee if you register after September 17. Registration will close on September 20. Email Scott Martin, chair of the Harvest Festival, with questions about the event.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Partnership Prepares for Harvest Festival on October 5

The Franklin Downtown Partnership is making plans for its 17th annual Harvest Festival, a family-fun community event, scheduled for Saturday, October 5.

The Harvest Festival will be held in downtown Franklin from noon to 5 p.m. on Main Street, Dean Avenue, West Central Street, and Depot Street, as well as the large parking area behind Rockland Bank. The event’s rain date is Sunday, October 6. 

Plans for the festival are well underway and booth space is filling up fast. Visitors will be treated to exciting local entertainment, delicious fall flavors from local restaurants, fun kid crafts and activities, shop specials, artwork and crafts by area artisans and helpful information from community groups and vendors. 

Organizers expect booth space for this event to sell out. Partnership members receive a booth for free; non-members pay $125. Downtown businesses must register to ensure store-front space. Booths are assigned on a first-come first-serve basis. 

Register for booth spaces here before September 17. Please add a $35 late fee if you register after September 17. Registration will close on September 20. Email Scott Martin, chair of the Harvest Festival, at fdpevent@gmail.com with questions about the event.

The Partnership also welcomes businesses to help support the Harvest Festival. Visit the Sponsorship page on this website or contact the Partnership office at downtown.franklin@yahoo.com for more information about sponsorship.

Silver sponsors for the Harvest Festival are Dean Bank, Middlesex Savings Bank and Rockland Trust.

Bronze sponsors are Benchmark Senior Living at Forge Hill, the Bernon Family Branch YMCA, Chestnut Dental Associates, DCU, Glen Meadow Apartments, Keefe Insurance.

Friends sponsors are Camford Property Group, Charles River Bank, Encore Music Academy and Recording Studios, LeafFilter, MyFM.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Fall Networking Breakfasts

Enjoy a hot cup of coffee or a tasty breakfast with other Franklin Downtown Partnership members at our Networking Breakfasts at the Dean College Dining Center on the first floor of the Campus Center. Upcoming Networking Breakfasts dates are:
Friday, September 20 - 8 a.m.
Friday, October 18 - 8 a.m.
Friday, November 15 - 8 a.m.