Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Harvest Stroll Press Release: Participation Deadline Next Week

Main Street booths, 2014. Main Street will be closed to vehicle traffic on Oct. 6 for the Harvest Stroll.

Celebrate fall and the completion of the Roadway and Streetscape Improvement Project at the Franklin Downtown Partnership’s Harvest Stroll on Thursday, October 6, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The Partnership is planning exciting new attractions for its 14th annual fall festival, including a hayride, delicious food options, a variety of entertainers, and more games and activities for kids.

Main Street will be closed to car traffic for the event, which also will include participating businesses and activities along Summer, East Central and West Central streets. Join members of the FDP and state and local government at a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Main Street to officially mark the revitalization project.

“We have a lot to celebrate this year. The downtown revitalization project is nearly complete and the downtown is more walk-able than ever before. The Franklin Downtown Partnership is excited to invite the community to our fall street festival and showcase the unique offerings of our local businesses,” says Scott Martin, event co-chair.

Organizers expect thousands of visitors to enjoy the party that evening, sampling fall-themed foods and activities, watching talented local artists, discovering shopping specials and learning about helpful community resources at more than 50 booths and locations downtown.

“We invite everyone to come see first-hand the revitalization of our downtown and enjoy the new amenities,” says Lisa Piana, FDP Executive Director. “For 15 years FDP members have worked hard to bring more economic viability to downtown Franklin and we look forward to showing off the progress that’s been made so far.”

There is still time for crafters, organizations, performers and interested community groups to participate in the Harvest Stroll. Booths are free to FDP members and cost $75 for non-members ($150 for non-member food vendors). Registrations are due by September 15. Forms can be found on www.franklindowntownpartnership.org or on the FDP Facebook page. Contact Scott Martin at scottm@hockymca.org with questions.

Sponsorship Row vendors, 2015
Many local businesses are sponsoring this event. Middlesex Savings Bank and Rockland Trust are Gold Sponsors.

Dean Bank, Franklin Ford and Keefe Insurance are Silver Sponsors.

Beaux Regards Photographic Art by Marjorie Sardella, Chestnut Dental, Digital Federal Credit Union, Michael Dunsky, Branch Manager Guaranteed Rate, Inc., and Hillside Nurseries are Bronze Sponsors.

D.G. Ranieri Real Estate, Franklin Health & Rehabilitation Center, the Franklin Historical Museum, Maven Hair Company, Rescom Exteriors, Simon’s Furniture and Tom Fricker Heating & A/C, Inc. are Friends Sponsors.

If you would like to sponsor this event, please contact the FDP office at downtown.franklin@yahoo.com or (774) 571-3109. Sponsorship forms and a full list of opportunities can be found on the FDP website, www.franklindowntownpartnership.org, under the Sponsors tab.

The Franklin Downtown Partnership is celebrating its 15th year as a non-profit, 501©3 organization made up of businesses, residents and community leaders working to revitalize downtown Franklin. The Partnership runs events such as the Strawberry Stroll, the Harvest Stroll and the Holiday Stroll, and is involved in streetscape and design efforts, greenspace and sculpture projects. New members are always welcome. Learn more at www.franklindowntownpartnership.org.   

Entertainment, 2015