Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mark Your Calendars

Public Meeting
Monday, January 10 at 7 pm
Dean College's Alden Center (S11)
located in the Arthur W. Pierce Center for Science and Technology
The public is invited to provide feedback to the PWED grant-funded portion of the Downtown Franklin Roadway and Streetscape Improvement Project.

Networking Luncheon
Friday, January 14 at 1:00 pm
Dean College Campus Center Cafeteria
Cost: $5
Please note: We will be meeting in the new cafeteria, NOT the Golder Room.
For more details please email Joel Carrara at jcarrara@printsmartoffice.com

General Meeting
Thursday, January 20 at 8:30 am
Dean College Campus Center, Golder Room, 2nd Floor
We welcome all new members!
We encourage downtown business owners to attend!