Sunday, May 1, 2016

May 5 General Meeting Agenda, Guest Speaker

You don't want to miss our May 5 General Meeting! 
Please note the start time is 8:30 a.m.

Thursday, May 5, 2016
Dean College Campus Center @ 8:30 am
Golder Room

  1. Open Meeting

  1. Adoption of Agenda
  1. Report from Executive Director - Lisa
    1. Sponsorship

  1. Report from Town and Streetscape
    1. Jeff Nutting, Town Administrator, & Anthony Tavalone, MA DOT

  1. Report Strawberry Stroll Committee - Nicole

  1. Guest Speaker: Caitlin Keller**
    Digital Learning Specialist (basic functions on using Instagram)

  1. New Business

  1. Adjourn
Progressive Dinner: Sunday, May 15th
Beautification Day:  Saturday May 21st

**  We are happy to welcome Guest Speaker Caitlin Keller, Digital Learning Specialist at Franklin High School. Ms. Keller will share the following skills and knowledge during her presentation:

  • Basic functions of using Instagram, including posting photos, adding captions, tagging locations, filters, and following users
  • Connecting to other social media apps, such as Facebook
  • Using hashtags
  • Strategies for promoting products/business

Come to the meeting with the Instagram app loaded on your technology device (phone or tablet) so you can jump right in and participate during the meeting. This way you can work on your own technology devices as Ms. Keller demonstrates different options and uses of Instagram.

Ms. Keller comes highly qualified to lead this discussion. She has earned a Master's Degree, Learning Technologies, Drexel University, as well as a Bachelor of Science, Chemistry, Lebanon Valley College.